Issue 2 - Volume 2

Dec 2020

محتويات الجزء العربي

رئيس التحرير

تجارب التعليم عن بعد وطرق نجاحها

يسلط هدا البحث الضوء علي وضع الحلول الكفيلة بفك أزمة التعلم والتعليم االعتيادي والمشاكل المرتبطة به من قلة األبنية وازدياد إعداد الطالبين للتعلم من خالل االستفادة من التعليم عن بعد عبر استعراض ودراسة بعض نماذج المدارس االفتراضية للتعليم عن بعد ومعرفة اساليب التدريس و طرق التقييم لكل نمودج وتحديد المعوقات التي تواجه التعليم عن بعد للوصول إلي توصيات والتي ربما تسرع في عملية االستفادة منه في القريب العاجل.

عبدالحميد النايض (جامعة الزيتونة ترهونة)

نصرالدين العوامي (المعهد العالي للعلوم والتقنية بنات طرابلس)

حسن أحمد (المعهد العالي للعلوم والتقنية سوق الجمعة)

ابوبكر قاباج (كلية التربية – جامعة طرابلس)

دراسة الصعوبات التي تواجه تطبيق نظام إدارة الطاقة ايزو2011:50001 في قطاع النفط في ليبيا

يعتبر النفط من المصادر المهمة لإلقتصاد العالمي سواء في البلدان المتقدمة أو النامية، و أصبح االهتمام بشعار االحتفاظ بالطاقة وترشيدها أمرا مفعال في العديد من المؤسسات االقتصادية والصناعية وخاصة التي تختص بإنتاج النفط وتصنيعه. ويدعم ذلك مدى تأثير صناعة النفط على البيئة وما ينتج عنه من تغير ات مناخية مثل االرتفاع في درجات الحر ارة. وحيث أنه توجد العديد من أنظمة إدارة الطاقة تستعملها بعض المؤسسات الصناعية الكبرى فإن موضوع هذه الد ارسة تركز حول الصعوبات التي تواجه تطبيق نظام إدارة الطاقة وفق متطلبات المواصفة الدولية آيزو )2011:ISO50001 )في البيئة الليبية من خالل شركة الواحة للنفط، اتبع الباحث األسلوب الوصفي جمع المعلومات من خالل منهجية بحثية تضمنت توزيع استمارة استبيان شملت اإلدارات واألقسام ذات العالقة في شركة الواحة للنفط بطرابلس. هدفت الدراسة إلى: التعرف على نظام إدارة الطاقة وفقا لمتطلبات المواصفة الدولية للتقييس آيزو )2011:ISO50001 ،)وكذلك التوصل إلى نتائج توضح أهم الصعوبات التي قد تواجه شركة الواحة للنفط، ومن ثم اقتراح بعض التوصيات التي من شأنها مساعدة الشركة على تطبيق نظام إدارة حسب متطلبات المواصفة آيزو )2011:50001 ISO.

أ. خالد محمود الحجاجي (الهيئة الوطنية للتعليم التقني والفني ,المعهد العالي لتقنيات شؤون المياه-العجيالت.)

عبيد أحمد الرقيق (المؤسسة الوطنية لألستثمار)

English Part-Contents


Alternative Splicing: A Multilevel Regulation of Plant Abiotic Stress Responsive Genes Review Article

Infraction of the ‘one gene, one protein’ rule, alternative splicing (AS), as a post-transcriptional control mechanism allows individual genes to produce multiple polypeptide isoforms as a result of the production of different mRNAs from a certain gene. This distinct and widespread molecular process across plant species represents an important mechanism that lead to an increases in proteome complexity and also has a function in quantitative gene control. In plants, this posttranscriptional mechanism is markedly induced in response to environmental stresses. Recent studies have identified alternative splicing events that allow rapid adjustment of the abundance and function of key stress-response components. Traditional gene-by-gene investigations of alternative splicing mechanisms have been complemented by global approaches. These promise to reveal details of the nature and operation of cellular codes that are constituted by combinations of regulatory elements in pre-mRNA substrates and by cellular complements of splicing regulators, which together determine regulated splicing pathways. Several transcription factors are presently known to regulate the response to cold, salt and drought stress. In this review, I primarily focus on some of these transcription factors in plants; the dehydration-responsive element-binding protein 2A (DREB2A), that encodes a transcription factor which binds to DRE/CRT cis-elements (responsive to low-temperature and drought stress) and ICE2, which is a transcription factor of the bHLH family that participates in the response to deep freezing through the cold acclimationdependent pathway. The involvement of these two TFs in abiotic stress response through AS in relation to CBFs is discussed too. 

Abobakir Ali Elhaj (Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tripoli)

Approximations of maximal and principal Idea

 In this paper, A deeper delving into the connection between the rough theory and the ring theory precisely in the maximal ideal will be introduced. It will be found that there is a rough maximal ideal as an extension of the notion of a maximal ideal. Some properties of the lower approximation maximal are studied.

Faraj.A.Abdunanbi (Lecturer in Mathematics department, University of Ajdabiya, Libya)

Embryotoxicity and Teratogenicity of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Venom in Pregnant Female Mice during Organogenetic Period

Bee venom has a broad spectrum of therapeutic and cosmetic applications. However, the potential embryotoxicity and teratogenicity of bee venom exposure to women during pregnancy is unknown. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of bee venom exposure on developing mice embryos during organogenetic period. Bee venom treatment was giving to pregnant female Swiss albino mice on three consecutive days: 12, 13, and 14 of pregnancy. The bee venom sting group was stung directly by one live honeybee; the bee venom injection group was injected subcutaneously with 200 μL of diluted bee venom; the normal control group was left without any treatment, and the vehicle control group was injected with 200 μL of physiological saline solution. All animals were dissected on the 18th day of pregnancy. The results of this study showed that bee venom exposure during pregnancy in mice led to a significant decrease in the number of fetuses, an increase of fetal atrophy, and appearance of congenital malformations. Bee venom has a harmful potential for embryotoxicity and teratogenicity and its use during pregnancy should be avoided. 

Sassia Omar Regeai (Biology Department, Libyan Academy of Graduate Studies, Janzour, Libya)

Naema Saad Shibani

Good starting points for iteration of Newton’s function

In this paper we want to describe the algorithm to find all good starting points for iteration of 𝑁𝑝(𝑧) to find all the roots of 𝑝(𝑧) by quick and easy way. So in this paper we have proved that all critical points go to the roots under iteration of Newton’s function then it will be the good starting points for iteration of 𝑁𝑝(𝑧) . 

Omar Ismael El Hasadi (Department of Mathematics, School of Basic Sciences, the Libyan Academy, Janzoo)

Impact of L2 Information on Handoffs Process in Mobile IP Environments

The registration messages must traverse all the way to the home agent (HA) and back. In addition, the packets sent by the corresponding node (CNs) are lost until they receive the binding update (BU) indicating the new care-of-address (nCoA) of the mobile node (MN). To reduce the number of lost packets during this time, the MN can request the old access router (oAR) to forward all its incoming packets to the new access router (nAR). Mobile IP handoffs can be improved through l2 information to reduce packet loss during handoffs. It avoids link disruption during handoff process and reduces packet loss. Therefore, L2 information allows an MN to predict the loss of connectivity more quickly than the L3 advertisement based algorithm. It is the best choice used to predict a breakdown wireless link before the link is broken. This facilitates the execution of the handoff and eliminates the time to detect handoff

Mohammed Alnaas (Department of Computer Science, Libyan Academy, Tripoli, Libya)

Osama Alhodairy (Department of Computer Science, Libyan Academy, Tripoli, Libya)

Rowaida Ertimi (Department of Computer Science, Libyan Academy, Tripoli, Libya)

Knowledge of ionizing radiation risk and protection practice measure among radiological staff in Derna city health sector, Libya.

Despite great advantage of uses of x-ray in the medical field as a diagnostic tool, no one suspected that ionizing radiation could have undesirable effect on living cells. The aim of our study is to assess the knowledge and attitude of the radiology staff about the risk of ionizing radiation in Derna health sector.This cross-sectional study was conducted in Derna city of Libya over six months (from September 2018 to March 2019) at Derna health sector. A validated questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge and attitude of the radiology staff about the risk of ionizing radiation.A total of 105 radiology staff were participant. They shows that the most common age groups of participants were 21- 30 years (41.9%), with (75.9%) of them had used incorrect safety radiation practice despite their high knowledge toward the risk of ionizing radiation (62%).Despite, the high knowledge of our participants regarding risk of ionizing radiation, most of them showed incorrect practice toward the risk of ionizing radiation.

Adnan A Farag ELgadaime (leture assistance at radiology department, College of medical technology-Derna/Libya)

Ashraf Saad Elzer (Lecturer at dental technology Department , college of medical technology-derna/Libya)

Modeling and Experimental Testing of Corrugated Composite Plates with Different Profiles as an Energy Absorber

In this paper, a series of experiments were conducted including testing of the capabilities of composite material as an energy absorber. Composite plate specimens with different corrugation profile have been fabricated and tested under the same condition. The corrugated profiles are: sinusoidal, triangle, and square shape. All these specimens were made of glass fibers using hand layup technique. The corrugated plates are subjected to quasi-static compression load. In addition to that same kind of tested specimens have been modeled and tested using Finite Element Method (FEM). Theoretical and experimental results in a form of energy absorption and specific energy have been recorded. It is found that results of theoretical and experimental tests are almost exactly identical. It has been observed that composite plate with square profile recorded the highest energy absorption and specific energy for theoretical as well as experimental tests.

Elfetori F. Abdewi (Associate Professor - School of Engineering and Applied Science/ Libyan Academy)

Pearlitic Transformation by Isothermal Decomposition in Titanium and Titanium Free Micro Alloyed Steel

This work is focused on nucleation stages during isothermal austenite decomposition in two medium carbon Vanadium Ti / Ti free micro alloyed steels. Isothermal treatment was carried out in the temperature range 350 to 600οC. Metallographic evaluation using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) enabled determination of the nucleation onset phases of isothermally decomposed austenite. Mainly three phases are found to be relevant to this initiation stage of transformation: first is related to grain boundary nucleated ferrite (GBF), second is related to intra-granularly nucleated ferrite (IGF) and the third to pearlite (P). GBF and IGF are divided into the high temperature and the low temperature segments as consequence of either displacive or diffusion nature of transformation. Addition of titanium to V – micro alloyed steel in this work seems to be balanced by a slightly higher C and Mn content, leading to limited effect on nucleation stage of austenite decomposition. The results show that during continuous cooling, onset of pearlite phase can take place. It occurs at temperatures ≥ 500 C ° , followed by an incomplete reaction phenomenon. The main characteristics of pearlite is always nucleated on the surface between proeutectoid ferrite and austenite. Incubation time for onset of pearlite decrease with decrease of temperature. 

Abdulnaser Hamza Fadel (Al Zawia University, Faculty of Natural Resources, Al Zawia - Libya)

Reynolds’s Number Effect on Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristics Associated with Drying Process of Porous Materials

An experimental study for forced convection drying process of sand porous bricks under forced air with variable inlet velocity conditions are reported. The study investigates the effect of Reynolds number on the heat and mass characteristics associated with the drying process of sand porous bricks. The inlet air temperature, relative humidity and porosity of the brick are kept constant. A test rig constructed in the lab to test different values of air velocities on drying curves as well as on heat and mass transfer coefficients of the drying process. The experimental results were presented and discussed. Results reveal that the drying curves consisted of two drying periods where the heat and mass coefficients notices to be constant at the constant rate period and decreasing at the falling rate period. The Nusslet and Sherwood numbers found to be increasing as the Reynolds number increased.

Elhassen Ali Ahmed Omer (Mechanical Engineering department, Faculty of Engineering, AL-Zawia University)

Ramadan Gennish (Mechanical Engineering department, Faculty of Engineering, AL-Zawia University)

Safety Issues and Geometric Design of Highway

This study examine the availability of safety issues and their relationship to the existing geometric design at a segment along a coastal road west of Tripoli were the high number of fatalities has been registered. Many victims of road accidents at the area were reported on this road segment. Even more; the polis employee and residents around the area call this position as” turning point of death”. The study area used in this investigation located at rural arterial coastal road about 9.50 Km west of Sabratah City, in other way, it’s a superimposing curve (horizontal tangent with a crest vertical curve (Three dimensional alignments). The numbers of road traffic accidents and casualties were obtained from the office of the Libyan Directorate General of Traffic based in Tripoli. Survey work has established for this segment and then examined using AutoCAD Civil3d 2012 software. And compare the results with the standards using AASHTO standard as a reference. The overall results indicated that there is need to reconstruct and replace the segment according to the modern geometric design were the safety factors are taking at the highest priority

Sami Abdurrahman Haman (lecture at Civil Engineering Department/ Zawiah University)

Alhusain Ali Almaroug (lecture at Civil Engineering Department/ Zawiah University)

Stress analysis of Steel/Steel Adhesive Bond Double Lap Joints

 Structural defects such as cracks and corrosion are a common problem experienced within many different engineering fields. Where the marine industry and the oil and gas industry are known to suffer greatly for those defects. Traditionally these were repaired using welding techniques or mechanical fasteners such as bolts and rivets. The related fire hazard within the oil and gas industry requires large areas of production to be shut down before welding can take place. This causes delays and can lead to large financial implications. Mechanical fasteners also have the disadvantage in that they require holes to be drilled in the component. Undesirable stress concentrations can form around these holes when the joint is under load. Therefore a method of repair which doesn’t produce harmful stress concentration and wont delay production is desirable. Adhesively bonded patch repairs satisfy both of these requirements and are gaining interest within many sectors of industry. A double lap shear joint is considered to be a good representation of an adhesively bonded patch repair. In this paper, numerical investigations into the behaviour of the Double Lap Joint (DLJ) will be conducted, with the aim of analysing its strength and failure characteristics. The main objectives of this work are to create a valid numerical representation of the joint using ABAQUS modelling software. The main conclusions drawn are: The stress distributions observed within the numerical model could be considered a reliable indication of the stresses present in the real joint. This helped to confirm the location of a stress concentration on the lower adhesive/adherend interface at the end of the strap overlap.

Najeeb Ali Yahya (Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)

Mutyaa Mohamed Ehmaida (University of Zawia, Zawia, Libya)

Evaluation of Health Aspects, Nutritional Status and Educational Attainment of Pupils for the Sixth and Seventh Year in Public Schools in the Judaim - El- Zawya Area

This study was carried out on pupils of the sixth and seventh class of public schools in the district of Judaim, that was during the academic year 2018- 2019. Body length and weight were measured by using Detecto electronic balance, one of the doctors of the Public Health Unit was assigned to evaluate the health aspects of the skin, scalp and tooth decay. Through a scientific questionnaire specifically designed to collect Personal data related by the pupils nutrition. An educational situation was evaluated. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated by using special mathematical equations . The results showed that the percentage of healthy male and female pupils were 60% and 61%, respectively , whereas the abnormal cases, such as overweight and underweight, were 16.47% -16% and 8.24% -8% consequently. The pupils medical examination showed that 87.23% had a clean head scalp, while 12.77% had a bad scalp and accompanied by dandruff. Also, these results proved that 69.23% of the females and 54.12% of the males have healthy teeth . About 40.35% of healthy pupils had obtained excellent scores for the mathematics test and 46.49% of them received the same grade in the General Sciences course test. These scores for both tests ranged from 17 to 20. Also, this study included other aspects related to quality of the meals breakfast, lunch, dinner, and different foods, which are purchased from the cafeteria of the school. 

Obaid A. Alwan (Department of Medical Nutrition - faculty of Medical Technology -Zawia University)

Amina K. Elzawi (Department of Medical Nutrition - faculty of Medical Technology -Zawia University)

Ahmed A. Ashour (Department of Food Science and Technology- Faculty of Agriculture-University of Tripoli)

Amani M. Hamudah (Clinical nutritionists)

Fatima B.Alhaneesh (Clinical nutritionists)

Naseem H. Kharpash (Clinical nutritionists)