المجلد 6 - العدد 2

أغسطس 2024

محتويات الجزء العربي

محتويات الجزء العربي

رئيس التحرير (الاكاديمية الليبية للدراسات العليا) abdalla.fadel@academy.edu.ly

English Part-Contents

English Part-Contents

Editor-in-Chief abdalla.fadel@academy.edu.ly

العزل الحراري في المباني المعدة للإخلاء في حالة الكوارث الطبيعية في منطقة الجبل الاخضر

تشكل الكوارث الطبيعية تحديات كبيرة للبنية التحتية للإسكان، مما يؤدي إلى خسائر في الأرواح، وأضرار في الممتلكات، وتشريد المجتمعات. يلعب العزل الحراري دورًا حاسمًا في التخفيف من تأثير الكوارث الطبيعية على السكن من خلال تعزيز كفاءة استخدام الطاقة، وتقليل تكاليف التدفئة والتبريد، وتحسين راحة السكان وسلامتهم. تقدم هذه الورقة لمحة عامة عن أهمية العزل الحراري في هندسة البناء للمساكن المستخدمة في حالات الكوارث الطبيعية. ويستكشف الحلول والتقنيات الحالية للعزل الحراري، بما في ذلك مواد العزل المختلفة ومدى ملاءمتها للمناطق المعرضة للكوارث. وتناقش التحديات والقيود المرتبطة بدمج العزل الحراري في المساكن المقاومة للكوارث، إلى جانب الأساليب المبتكرة والمبادرات البحثية التي تهدف إلى تحسين القدرة على التحمل. يتم تحليل دراسات الحالة وأفضل الممارسات من مشاريع الإسكان الناجحة لاستخلاص رؤى حول اعتبارات التصميم واختيار المواد والمشاركة المجتمعية. يتم تسليط الضوء على دور أطر السياسات وقوانين البناء والمبادرات الحكومية في تعزيز حلول الإسكان المرنة، مع توصيات بشأن اتجاهات البحث المستقبلية والاستراتيجيات العملية لتعزيز العزل الحراري في المساكن المقاومة للكوارث. تؤكد هذه الورقة على أهمية التعاون متعدد التخصصات، وإشراك أصحاب المصلحة، ومشاركة المجتمع في معالجة تحديات الإسكان في المناطق المعرضة للكوارث الطبيعية، وتؤكد على الحاجة إلى حلول إسكان مرنة لبناء مجتمعات أكثر استدامة ومرونة.

الكلمات المفتاحية: العزل الحراري، هندسة البناء، المواد العازلة، المرونة الهيكلية

محمد صالح رفعت سعد (الهندسة المعمارية ،كلية التقنيات الهندسية ، القبة، ليبيا)

تأثير إضافة الياف البولي بروبلين بطول (6مم) وبطول (18مم) على خواص الخرسانة

تهدف هده الدراسة لدراسة ومقارنة بعض الخواص لعينات مختلفة من الخرسانة، بإضافة الياف البولي بروبلين بطول (6و18) مليمتر ، ومدي قدرة الخرسانة وتحولها الي مادة اكثر جودة ومقاومة لبعض الخواص حيث ان التسليح بالألياف هو احد الحلول التي تستعمل بكثرة لتحسين مقاومة الضغط والشد للخرسانة , هناك أنواع مختلفة من الالياف التي تستعمل لتسليح الخرسانة مثل الياف الحديد ، البولي بروبلين ، البولستير والالياف الزجاجية ، في هده الدراسة تمت دراسة تأثير إضافة الياف البولي بروبلين بطول (6و18) مليمتر علي خواص الخرسانة المتصلدة والمقارنة بين نتائج العينات ، من حيث مقاومة الضغط والشد وقابلية التشغيل وتمت إضافة الالياف بنسبة (0.009غرام) من حجم الخرسانة للتعرف علي خواص خرسانية جديدة بإضافة هده النسب وهل يمكن استعمالها بعد الان في الحياة العملية ومدي التوسع والتطور العلمي في هدا المجال. 

فاطمة محمد مسعود ابوجبهة

أثر التسرب النفطي على الصفات الظاهرية لنباتات السنا والقتاد والذرة الرفيعة النامية في محافظة شبوة

نفذت ثلاث تجارب حقلية في حديقة كلية التربية – جامعة شبوة، خلال المدة من أغسطس2021 إلى ديسمبر1202، لمعرفة تأثير تراكيز من النفط الخام 25%- 50% -75% -100% والشاهد (0%) على بعض الصفات الظاهرية مثل: طول الجذر، طول الساق، المساحة الورقية، عدد الأوراق، الوزن الرطب والجاف للمجموع الجذري والخضري لنباتات الذرة الرفيعة Sorghum bicolor (L.) والسنا Senna alexandrina Mill والقتاد  Acacia chamulosa Benth، حللت النتائج باستخدام تصميم القطاعات كاملة العشوائية واظهرت النتائج المتحصل عليها ان لعامل التراكيز من النفط الخام تأثيراً معنوياً في طول الجذر، عدد الأوراق، والوزن الرطب والجاف للمجموع الجذري والخضري. حيث تفوقت معاملة الشاهد في الوزن الجاف والرطب للمجموع الجذري والوزن الرطب للمجموع الخضري. وتفوق التركيز 75% في عدد الأوراق والوزن الجاف للمجموع الخضري. وتفوق التركيز 100% في طول الجذر. بينما كان لعامل نوع النبات تأثيراً معنوياً في كل الصفات المدروسة. حيث تفوق نبات القتاد في طول الجذر وطول الساق وعدد الأوراق. وتفوق نبات السناء في الوزن الرطب والجاف للمجموع الجذري والخضري. وتفوق نبات الذرة الرفيعة في المساحة الورقية.

ياسر سعيد باهرمز (- قسم العلوم، كلية التربية المكلا، جامعة حضرموت) bahrmez@gmail.com

طالب أحمد طالب عصفور (- قسم الاحياء، كلية التربية عتق، جامعة شبوة)

سالم محمد بن سلمان (قسم علوم الحياة، كلية العلوم، جامعة حضرموت)

استخدام مسحوق الخرسانة الإسفلتية المعاد تدويرها كبديل للاسمنت في إنتاج الملاط

تهدف هذه الدراسة إلي تقييم تأثير استخدام مسحوق الخلطة الإسفلتية المعاد تدويرها نتيجة الصيانة العامة للطريق الساحلي كمادة مضافة وبديلة للاسمنت الناعم في إنتاج ملاط إسمنتي صديق للبيئة وقليل التكلفة. تم استبدال نسبة 5، 7، 10، و13% بالوزن في كمية الاسمنت في الخلطة الإسمنتية لإنتاج الملاط. تم استخدام مجموعة من الاختبارات علي الملاط المصنع بعد وقبل الإضافة، من أهم هذه الاختبارات كانت اختبار تحمل الضغط، اختبار زمن الشك الابتدائي والنهائي، اختبار النعومة، واختبار التمدد. كما تم أيضا إجراء تحليل مكونات العينة  عند كل نسبة مضافة من مخلفات الخلطة الإسفلتية المعاد تدويرها ومقارنتها مع الأصلية قبل الإضافة باستخدام تقنية مضياف أشعة سين المفلورة (x-ray ). بشكل عام، أشارت النتائج المتحصل عليها نتيجة الاختبارات المذكورة بأنها جيدة و خاصة اختبارات تحمل الضغط والتمدد وزمن الشك الابتدائي والنهائي للخلطة الإسمنتية باعتبارها أهم الاختبارات في إنتاج الخرسانة الإسمنتية والملاط. حيت كانت متوسط مقاومة الضغط بعد يومين تتراوح في المدي من 20.5 الي 17.67 نيوتن/ملم2 عند نسبة إضافة من 5 الي 13% بالوزن. في حين كانت في المدي (59.90 – 53.0 ) بعد 28 يوم عند النسبة (5 – 13%). في حين ان مقدار التمدد لم يتجاوز 1.5 ملم حتي النسبة 10% وسجل 2.0 في حالة إضافة نسبة 13% كبديل عن الاسمنت في العينة. يمكن اعتماد النسبة 7% من المخلفات الخلطة الإسفلتية المعاد تدويرها من صيانة الطرق في ليبيا هي النسبة المثلي لإنتاج ملاط صديق للبيئة، والتي سوف تساهم في التقليل من انبعاث CO2  الناتج من صناعة الاسمنت والذي يتولد عند حرق المواد الخام (الحجر الجيري الحاوي علي كربونات الكالسيوم) وتحويله الي أكسيد كالسيوم عند درجات حرارة عالية.  

محمد سليمان (قسم هندسة وعلوم البيئة، الأكاديمية الليبية فرع مصراته- ليبيا)

شروق الحميري (قسم الهندسة الكيميائية، جامعة التكنولوجيا، بغداد- العراق)

، أسامة القهواجي، عبد الناصر علي، محمد الشارف (: قسم التقنيات الكيميائية، المعهد العالي للتقنيات الهندسية، زليتن- ليبيا)

سالم ابوزريبة (قسم الكيمياء، الأكاديمية الليبية، طرابلس- ليبيا)

عبد المنعم جرود (مصنع لبدة للاسمنت، الخمس - ليبيا)

تأثير تغير مصدر ونوع الاسمنت علي الخواص الميكانيكية للخرسانة ذاتية الدمك

تهدف هذه الدراسة للمقارنة بين أنواع الاسمنت الموجودة في السوق المحلي ( محلية و مستوردة) من حيث تأثيرها على الخواص اللدنة والمتصلبة للخرسانة ذاتية الدمك, حيث تم استخدام ستة أنواع إسمنت بورتلاندي عادي ومعدل من مصادر مختلفة (محلية ومستوردة) وهي اسمنت (الاتحاد واسمنت لبدة واسمنت واسمنت سوق الخميس) محلية الصنع واسمنت (العريش-العسكري) المصري الصنع واسمنت as cimento)) التركي الصنع واسمنت (هناسم) التونسي الصنع.

أظهرت نتائج الخرسانة ذاتية الدمك في حالتها اللدنة أن جميع الخلطات الخرسانية كانت ضمن حدود المواصفات في كل من اختبار الانسياب واختبار صندوق L. بينما أظهرت نتائج الخرسانة ذاتية الدمك في حالتها المتصلدة أن جميع الخلطات الخرسانية المحتوية على الإسمنت البورتلاندي العادي (محلية ومستوردة) موضوع الدراسة قد حققت مقاومة ضغط أفضل من الخلطات الخرسانية المحتوية على اسمنت بورتلاندي معدل وكان أفضلها إسمنت مصنع لبدة، مما يشجع على استخدام أي نوع من الاسمنت البورتلاندي العادي في إنشاء الهياكل الخرسانية، بينما كان هناك تفاوت بسيط في نتائج مقاومة الانحناء.

أ. عبدالرؤوف محمد أبوذينة (كلية الهندسة - جامعة الزيتونة) Raoufabuthina@azu.edu.ly

تأثير حامض السالسليك على إنبات صنفين من القمحL. Triticum aestivum تحت ظروف الإجهاد الملحي

نفذت تجربة مختبرية عامليه في مختبرات كلية العلوم / جامعة حضرموت/ قسم علوم الحياة بهدف معرفه الأثر الفسيولوجي لحامض السالسليك بتركيز (100 و200 مليجرام/ لتر) على إنبات صنفين من القمح صنف كلينسونا (صنف مستورد) وصنف هلبا (صنف محلي) تحت ظروف الاجهاد الملحي (50 و150مليمولار من NaCl).؛ حيث تم نقع مجموعة من البذور لكلا الصنفين لمدة 24 ساعة في ماء مقطر وفي تركيز (100 و200 مليجرام/ لتر) من حامض السالسليك ثم وضعت10 بذور في طبق بتري وأضيفت لها 15 مل من تراكيز كلوريد الصوديوم بينما عوملت البذور المنقوعة بتراكيز حامض السالسليك بـ 15 مل من تراكيز كلوريد الصوديوم مذابة في كلا تركيزي حامض السالسليك بالإضافة لمعاملة الشاهد التي نقعت وعوملت بـ15 مل من الماء المقطر. صممت التجربة باستخدام التصميم العشوائي الكامل CRD بثلاث مكررات، أظهرت النتائج عدم وجود تأثير للإجهاد الملحي على نسبة الإنبات لكلا الصنفين.   أدت معاملة البذور بحامض السالسليك بتركيز 100 مليجرام / لتر إلى زيادة قيم معدلات الصفات الإنباتية خاصة عند الإجهاد المرتفع ، ولم يحدث تفوق معنوي للمعاملة بحامض السالسليك للوزن الطري إلا عند الإجهاد الملحي ب (50 Mm من محلول كلوريد الصوديوم) لصنف كلينسونا، أما بالنسبة للوزن الجاف فقد كانت أفضل النتائج 0,070جم لصنف هلبا المجهد بـ50 Mm من كلوريد الصوديوم والمعامل بـ100ملجرام/لتر من حمض السالسليك .

وعند معاملة البذور بتركيز 200 مليجرام / لتر من حامض السالسليك لم يلاحظ استجابة واضحة لكلا الصنفين تحت ظروف اٌلإجهاد الملحي . كما أظهرت نتائج هذا البحث ان صنف كلينسونا كان أكثر استجابة للمعاملة بحامض السالسليك من الصنف هلبا الذي كان أكثر حساسية لظروف الإجهاد الملحي.

ذكرى عبدالله مقرم (- قسم علوم الحياة- كلية العلوم – جامعة حضرموت)

ياسر سعيد باهرمز (- قسم العلوم- كلية التربية المكلا – جامعة حضرموت) bahrmez@gmail.com

سالم محمد بن سلمان (- قسم علوم الحياة- كلية العلوم – جامعة حضرموت)

تصميم وتنفيذ نظام إدارة مجلة الكترونية : الطريقة المركزية لإدارة الواجهات

 المجلة العلمية هي نشرة دورية يتم فيها نشر نتائج البحوث والابتكارات المختلفة، يستخدمها الباحثون والطلاب والمساهمون لمشاركة نتائج أبحاثهم، تعد الإدارة الفعالة للعملية بأكملها من تقديم ورقة بحثية إلى نشرها أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لتحفيز الباحثين على البحث العلمي. في معظم المجلات، وخاصة في ليبيا، وبالتحديد في جامعة المرقب، تتم إدارة المجلات بالكامل يدويًا.

 تقتصر أنظمة إدارة المجلات الالكترونية التقليدية بجامعة المرقب على النشر عبر الإنترنت فقط وتتم جميع معاملات التسليم والاستفسار والتحكيم يدويا وبصعوبة، ناهيك عن عدم وجود مجلات علمية الكترونية لبعض الكليات، ومن ثم، فان من الضروري استبدال أنظمة إدارة المجلات التقليدية، بنظام الكتروني بالكامل للتغلب على كل هذه التحديات.

توضح هذه الورقة تحليل وتصميم نظام إدارة المجلات الإلكترونية الآلي، والذي يهدف إلى الاستفادة من قوة الحاسوب للتعامل مع التحديات الحالية للنظام اليدوي لإدارة المجلات. أيضاً، يوفر هذا النظام الجديد فوائد كثيرة تشمل عمليات إرسال المقالات، وبياناتها، وتسجيل محكمين، بالإضافة الى عملية النشر. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، يمكن للمشاركين من أي جزء من العالم إرسال مقالاتهم والوصول إلى جميع المقالات المنشورة باستخدام هذا النظام عبر الإنترنت.

منى محمد ادراه (قسم علوم الحاسوب / كلية العلوم، جامعة المرقب ، الخمس ، ليبيا)

إيناس مفتاح بن قمرة

تآثير الكتلة على درجة الحرارة الداخلية للمباني بمدينة اغدامس القديمة

تتطـــرق هذه الورقة الى دراسة ومعرفة والتحقق من مدى فعالية استعمال الحوائط السميكة المبنية من الطين لمساكن مدينة اغدامس للتقليل من انتقال الحرارة من الخارج الى الفراغات الداخلية للمسكن في فصل الصيف، والاحتفاض بدراجات الحرارة داخل المسكن في فصل الشتاء حيث يتوفر السكن الملائم الذي يوفر الراحة والطانينة والمناخ الملائم لقاطنيه. عليـــه تتركز هذه الورقة على عمل تجربة عملية للتاكد والتحقق من فعالية استخدام الحوائط السميكة في بناء المساكن لتفادي ارتفاع درجات الحرارة في فصل الصيف وانخفاض دراجات الحرارة في فصل الشتاء.

د. عزالدين محمد الشاوش (قسم العمارة والتخطيط العمراني كلية الهندسة- جامعة طرابلس)

حصر ودراسة اشكال الحياة والارتباط الجغرافي للنباتات الرعوية (البرية) في مدينة زنجبار والمناطق المجاورة لها محافظه ابين-اليمن

نفذت هذه الدراسة بمنطقة شملت عده مواقع في مدينه زنجبار والمناطق المجاورة لها مثل (حصن شداد-عموديه -المراقد-المسيمير) في الفترة من فبراير الى مايو2420 م يث تم حصر للأنواع النباتية المستخدمة رعويا ومن خلال عمليه الحصر وجد 29 نوع نباتي و26جنس تنتمي الى 17فصيله نباتيه جاءت بالمرتبة الاولى الفصيلة النجيلية Poaceae ممثله ب17 نوع نباتي ونسبه24.1% وتليها الفصيلة الطراطيهZygophyllaceae  ممثله ب 3انواع ونسبه 10.3% بينما باقي الفصائل كانت ممثله بنوع نباتي واحد.

 ومن خلال التحليل لشكل الحياه وجد خمسه اشكال اساسيه وهيchamaephytes ,Therophytes  Phanaerophytes , Hemicryptophyte , Mesophanaerophyte حيث وجدت معظم النباتات تنتمي الى الشكلين chamaephytes ,و,Therophytesممثله ب9 انواع نباتيه ونسبه31.03%كلا على حده.

ومن خلال التحليل للارتباط الجغرافي اظهرت من خلال التحليل للنتائج الاتي ان النباتات اغلبها انتشارها عالمي Cosmopolitian ب7 انواع نباتيه ونسبه24.1% و النباتات ذات الاقليم الواحد جاءت بمرتبه واحده مع النباتات ذات الاقاليم المتعددة بحيث مثلت ب11 نوع نباتي ونسبه37.9 %كلا على حده، بينما النباتات ذات الاقليمين مثلت ب7 انواع نباتيه ونسبه20.6%.

كلمات مفتاحيه: ارتباط جغرافي، اشكال الحياة، زنجبار، نباتات رعويه.

مادلين عبدالله عوبل (قسم الاحياء -كليه التربية ابين-جامعه ابين)

ياسر سعيد باهرمز (قسم العلوم – كلية التربية المكلا)

سميره غانم محمد (قسم الاحياء -كليه التربية تعز-جامعه تعز)

دور خلط مياه التحلية مع المياه الجوفية في توفير المياه بالمواصفات والكميات المطلوبة

  في ظل تنامي الطلب علي مياه تحلية لاستخدامها في الاغراض المختلفة لسد العجر الحاصل  في المياه الجوفية . و حيث ان المواصفات المطلوبة تختلف حسب طبيعة الاستخدام. و التي تتراوح مواصفاتها من خالية من الاملاح الذائبة في الاستخدامات الطبية و محطات توليد الكهرباء الي حوالي 6000 جزء في مليون في الاستخدام الزراعي. نظرا لان مياه التحلية تحتوي علي نسبب قلية من الاملاح . الامر الذي ينطلب خلطها بمياه ذات ملوحة مرتفعة نسبيا لتوفير بالجودة المطلوبة للمياه حسب طبيعة الاستخدام

  تهدف هذه الورقة لا براز اهمية خلط مياه الحلية مع المياه الجوفية للأغراض الحضرية و الذي سيساهم في توفير كميات مياه اضافية و خفض تكاليف المياه المحلاة ، بالإضافة لتوفير مياه الشرب حسب المواصفات الليبية و الصحة العالمية. لتحقيق اهداف الدراسة سيتم اتباع المنهج الوصفي التحليلي من خلال دراسة و تحليل الدراسات و التقارير ذات العلاقة بالدراسة و المقابلات الشخصية .  من خلال الدراسة اتضح ان عملية الخلط تساهم في تحسين الجودة وضمان مطابقة المياه للمواصفات و خفض تكلفة المتر المكعب من المياه المحلاة و الزيادة في كميات المياه المتاحة . كما اظهرت الدراسة ايضا ان عدم وعي المواطنين بأهمية الالتزام بمواصفات جودة المياه في حماية المواطنين من الامراض ناجمة عن نقص الاملاح يمثل عائقاً امام تطبيق عملية الخلط ، و يعتبر المستهلكون المذاق هو المعيار الوحيد لاختيار العلامة التجارية.

الكلمات المفتاحية: الجودة. خلط , مياه , الجوفية , التحلية , المواصفات , الاحتياجات  

عبدالله المشرقي (قسم الإدارة الهندسية ، كلية هندسة الموارد الطبيعة – العجيلات، جامعة الزاوية ، ليبيا)

سالم الطويل (قسم الهندسة الجيولوجية ،كلية هندسة الموارد الطبيعة – العجيلات، جامعة الزاوية ، ليبيا)

Automated ECG Classification for Myocardial  Infarction Diagnosis using CNN and Wavelet Transform

In this study, this study proposes a methodology for classifying electrocardiogram (ECG) signals into normal and myocardial infarction (MI) classes. The methodology consists of three main steps: pre-processing, segmentation, and classification. ECG signals obtained from the PTB database are initially subjected to pre-processing using the Daubechies wavelet transform to filter out noise and enhance signal quality. Subsequently, the signals are segmented into 651-sample segments and further reduced to 500 samples per segment for dimensionality reduction. These segmented signals serve as input data for a convolutional neural network (CNN) model, which extracts relevant features and performs the classification task. The proposed methodology achieves an impressive classification accuracy of 97.8% for ECG signals. These findings highlight the effectiveness of our approach in accurately distinguishing between normal and MI ECG patterns.

Keywords: electrocardiogram (ECG) · myocardial infarction (MI) · convolutional neural network (CNN) · Daubechies wavelet transform.

Jazya Moftah Amed Amshaher1

2Sanaa matoug belhaj


In this paper, we study bounds for the Taylor–Maclaurin coefficients and , in the open unit disk . To this purpose, we establish two new subclasses of analytic and univalent functions, in addition to bi-univalent functions associated with a generalized derivative operator.


Analytic and univalent functions, Bi-univalent functions, Coefficients bounds, Derivative operator, Starlike and convex functions.

Farida Abdallah Abufares (Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science - Alasmarya Islamic University) faridaabufares995@gmail.com

Aisha Ahmed Amer (2 Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science -Al-Khomus, Al-Margib University) aisha.amer@elmergib.edu.ly

Comparative histological study of (Hemiechinus auritus) the Libyan Long-eared hedgehog liver

Libya covers a massive area and as most of the different mammals found in it are small and nocturnal, active by night and hiding in the day, they are not easily recognized. The aim of this study is establishing national Libyan records on some morphological features of a wildlife animal, the long eared hedgehog. The investigation has been described the macro and micro morphology of an active organ involved in genesis of blood cells, the liver. The impartial has been accomplished by using one-day old and adult long-eared hedgehog from Benghazi province. The organs were defined in situ. Stained tissue sections were prepared to record the light microscopic features. Liver had a position in the abdominal cavity similar to that of other mammals. Only lobules of the new born animals showed hematopoietic activity.



Libyan long-eared hedgehog, Hedgehog Hematopoiesis, blood cells, liver of hedgehog.

Laila A. Ibrahim1, Abdulkarem A. Ilfergane1 and Marwa M. Elomami1. (Department of Zoology, University of Benghazi, Libya.) Abdulkarem.ilfergane@uob.edu.ly

Comparison Between High Order Compact and Central Difference Methods For  Evaluating Electromagnetic Fields From Power Transmission Lines      

This paper compares a finite difference method-based computational scheme for evaluating electromagnetic field problems in power transmission lines in cases of on surface and in Ground. The scheme uses Maxwell's partial differential equations to represent electric, magnetic field components, and approximate boundary conditions. The High Order Compact Method (HOC) is applied to estimate the electric field Ez in ground and compares it with the standard central difference scheme. The HOC produces more accurate results than the traditional central approximation at 99.7% for the electric field Ez. It also calculates both of Electric and magnetic fields intensities to evaluate the effect of Electric and magnetic intensities in ground and on surface respect to distance.

Keywords - Power Transmission Line- Central Difference Scheme - High Order Compact, Boundary conditions, Electric intensity, magnetic intensity


Marai M. Abousetta, Salwa M. Ibrahim. (electrical and computer engineering dept., school of applied sciences and engineering, Libyan Academy, Tripoli-Lib)

Determine the Chemical Composition Present in Coriander, (Coriandrum sativum) by GC/MC technique

     Plants are a valuable source of a wide range of natural products (secondary metabolites) [1]. Secondary metabolites are chemicals or compounds present in plants that are not involved in the primary biochemical processes of plant growth and reproduction. Plant secondary metabolites however are known to play a crucial role in plant protection from insect predation or grazing by herbivores and adaptation of plants to their environment [2,3]. The secondary metabolites are biosynthesized from primary metabolites by several pathways such as shikimic acid, tricarboxylic acid cycle and malonic acid pathways [3]. These plant materials or compounds fall into the category of saponins, tannins, lignins, volatile oils, alkaloids to mention a few [2]. Discoveries in plant secondary metabolites state that different biosynthetic pathways are responsible for diversity of classes or/and groups of plant components for example. 29,000 terpenes resulting from isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP), 12,000 alkaloids from (amino acid) and 8,000 phenolics produced by shikimate or acetate malonate pathway. IPP modification pathway leads to a series of monoterpene compounds, mainly, (-) limonene, (-) isopiperitenone, (+) isomenthone, (-) –menthol [4], It has been confirmed that the above compounds belong to the monoterpene groups that play important protective role in the plant kingdom. Limonene and menthol are two well - known monoterpenes, which serve as defenses against insects and other organisms feeding on plants [4]. The biosynthetic pathways of different terpene groups from plants. During this process, IPP and DMAPP are converted to give diverse groups of terpenes that play important role in plant protection. [4,5].  These components have complex and unique structures, resulting from both biotic and abiotic stress enhanced conditions, are stored in specific cells and/or organs of the plant, and often accumulate in vacuoles. [5]

Keywords: Coriandrum Sativum: Extraction: Filtration: Evaporation: GC/MS technique                      

Dr: Saud A. Alshiteewi

Eng. Mohamed Almbrouk

Development of Method Oxidation b-methylanthraquinone for the synthesis of Aloe-emodin, Rhein and Rheinal


This study aims to shed light on the development of a method of oxidizingb- methylanthraquinone and to synthesis a group of Anthraquinones derivatives, the most famous of which are Aloe Emodin, Rhein and Rheinal.

This study aims to identify the best conditions and factors through which -b-methylanthraquinone is oxidized in terms of the appropriate oxidizing agent, its quantity, method of stirring, duration of stirring, temperature, and other factors, and to study the effect of each factor and choose the most appropriate.

Then, the various products of the oxidation process are separated and identified using scientific methods in order to benefit from them in various chemical processes.

In conclusion, the ideal conditions for the gradual oxidation process of b- methylanthraquinone were determined by studying the effect of the amount of oxidant, temperature, and duration of heating on the oxidation reaction, and the intermediate products of the oxidation process were separated and identified using scientific methods.

This method has the advantages of convenient operation, low cost, low pollution and easy manufacturing. These anthraquinone compounds can serve as new materials that can be widely applied in industries such as dyes, textiles, electronics, and papermaking.

The researcher recommends paying attention to: b-methylanthraquinone oxidation processes because it has multiple uses, such as manufacturing pharmaceutical raw materials, perfumes, chemical industries, and dyes, and it has significant therapeutic effects as anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-tumor.


Keywords: b-methylanthraquinone ، Oxidation ، Aloe Emodin, Rhein and Rheinal.

Dr. Khaled Taha Muhammad Abu thaher (College of Law and Forensic Sciences - Department of Forensic Sciences Al-Istiqlal University (Palestinian Academy for Security Sciences) Jericho - Palestine) Dr.khaled71@pass.ps

The relationship between glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and normal hemoglobin (HG) level in diabetics and non-diabetic Libyan women

The use of HbA1c for the diagnosis of diabetes is widely advocated despite studies that show there a

re many factors that influence the level of HbA1c, such as RBC parameters hemoglobin concentration and RBCs life span. This study investigates the relationship between HbA1c levels and hemoglobin concentration in diabetic and non-diabetic Libyan females, both pregnant and non-pregnant. Ninety-nine blood samples were collected from Zuwara General Hospital, Al Ain Center for Diabetes and Endocrine Disease, and Al Zawia Diabetes Center. These samples were analyzed using Cobas Integra 400plus for HbA1c and Sysmex XP300 for hemoglobin concentration, with statistical analysis conducted via IBM SPSS Statistics software. The results include: Diabetic non-pregnant women had significantly higher HbA1c levels (8.13±0.44) compared to non-diabetic non-pregnant women (5.18±1.31) (t = -4.575, p < 0.001). Non-pregnant women had a higher RBC count (5.92±0.33) than pregnant women (4.06±0.50) (t = -3.001, p = 0.012). A strong positive correlation was found between HbA1c and fasting blood sugar (FBS) in diabetic non-pregnant women (r = 0.801, p < 0.001). HbA1c and FBS levels did not show significant association with anemia indicators (RBC count and HGB levels) in both diabetic and non-diabetic women, regardless of pregnancy status. Diabetic women, both pregnant and non-pregnant, had higher HbA1c and FBS levels compared to non-diabetic women. Non-pregnant women, irrespective of diabetes status, had higher HbA1c, RBC count, and FBS levels compared to pregnant women. Hemoglobin (HGB) levels did not significantly differ between groups, suggesting pregnancy status and diabetes do not significantly impact HGB levels. The study concludes that further research is needed to identify factors affecting HbA1c levels.

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, HbA1c, Blood sugar, RBC parameters, 

Munya Rajab Altahir ,Mohammed Khalid Mohammed Almahjoub a , Ayoub Abdulkarim Abou ikrays (department of Medical Laboratory , Faculty of Medical Technology, University of Sabrath)

Najat Hadi Omar Bahroun (Department of chemistry,Faculty of science, University of Zawia)

Namat Ali Soliman (Faculty of densitry, University of Zawia)

Discontinuity Stress Analysis Of Metallic Pressure Vessel Using Finite Element Method

This project investigated the stresses developed in a thick-walled cylinder for rocket motor case under internal pressure. Stress analysis used the finite element method with ANSYS software for rocket motor case selection. This study focus on structural elastic analysis of thick-walled pressure vessels since it is a common design practice to aim at maintaining the induced stresses within the elastic region. However, pressure vessels operate under complex environments such as high pressure which may lead to gross plastic deformation and subsequent failure. In process, the pressure vessel is pressurized beyond the yield point. As a result, the conventional elastic analysis will not be applicable at internal pressures above the yield point. Therefore, it is important to examine the structural integrity of a thick-walled pressure vessel in both elastic and plastic state of the material.

 In this study, FE static structural analysis of a presumably untracked thick-walled solid rocket motor case has been presented, where stress distribution within the motor case wall and the resulting material deformation were investigated using ANSYS 19.2. Motor case has been designed with uniform model of the same internal and external diameter, and motor case with diameter change at both sides is modeled to investigate the effect of the diameter change or shape discontinuity on the resulting of stresses and deformation using ANSYS program by applying internal pressure varying from 50 Bars to 350 Bar. Von Mises yield criteria were used by ANSYS program and calculated Von Mises stresses were compared; the results are close for elastic analysis. The results show that the Von Mises stresses was high for discontinues shape of motor case compared by the uniform motor case (constant thickness).


(Key words)

Pressure Vessel , Finite Element Method:FEM, ANSYS Software, Thick-Walled Pressure Vessel

Dr. Ramadan Shamiss Wadi (Libyan Academy For Postgraduate Studies) Ramadanwadi65@gmail.com

Mohammad Elbahloul elbakai (Libyan Academy For Postgraduate Studies) elbakai1989@gmail.com

Diversify of higher filamentous Marine fungi from different regions of the west and east coasts of Libya Review study. 2023

  This review article aimed to summarize the latest publications findings on obligate Marine fungi from east and west coasts of Libya. The fungi recorded have been found in nearly every marine habitats examined ,Sand buried wood, Seagrasses Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocya nodosaa ,Driftwood ,Brown Algae Cystoseira compressa, and recently the Sparids Diplodus sargus (Linnceus )1958.

Key words: Marine fungi, Driftwood, Brown Algae, Seagrasses, seasediments and Sand barried wood. 

Kafu. R (University / Biology dipartment Tripoli) Kafu.R@uot.edu.ly

?Do potassium supply, soil water and genotype influence concentrations of potassium in barley tissues

The area suitable for cultivation globally is limited and much of it needs large quantities of irrigation water to sustain crop production. However, at least 99 % of the World's water is not suitable for use in agriculture because it is either saline or frozen (Peterson, 1971). Many other areas of cultivated land are prone to water shortages. Drought has one of the largest negative effects on global food production. This was attributed to the effect of drought on numerous physiological, morphological and developmental processes (Saki nejad et al. 2002). For example, extremely drought conditions could lead to reduced cell turgor which causing closure of stomata and decreasing in cell expansion, thus reducing the surface of leaf area and photosynthesis process (Syed and Rehana, 2007; Kramer, 1983).                                                                 

Khaled Shaheen (The Libya academy for postgraduate studies – Janzour) Khaled.shaheen@academy.edu.ly

Early Diagnosis of Endometrium Cancer using Image Processing Techniques

According to GLOBOCAN 2020 estimates of cancer incidence and mortality, Endometrium cancer is the second leading cause of mortality in women after Breast cancer. However, it is also one of the treatable cancers if detected early. Radiologists read uterine ultrasound images manually, which is a difficult and confusing procedure that causes them to make mistakes and missing detecting malignancy. The focus of this paper is to look at the possibilities of detecting and classifying Endometrium cancer using image-processing techniques. To improve image detection, the quality of the input uterine ultrasound image was first enhanced during the preprocessing stage by removing noises and improving image contrast. Following that, a set of sequence techniques, thresholding image masking were used to remove of artifacts and labels form uterine ultrasound images. Filtering techniques are used to refine enhancement process, fussy logic is used to enhance edge detection, finally, k means and automatic thresholding were used for Uterine ultrasound image to obtain region of interest (ROIs) which is endometrium region, and the radiologist can as normal and abnormal. A MATLAB environment is used to examine the proposed approaches and the outperform results was achieved using Median Filter for a high quality Ultrasound 512X512 image size that affected by Salt and Pepper noise with 86.99% classification accuracy using peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) metric. 

Laila Mohammed Ramadan,Nadia Fathe Hmad (College of Sciences and Natural Resources Aljafara University Aljafara, Libya)

E-Learning Facilitator Team solution of Problems and Challenges in the distance education (University of Gharyan Case Study

 The new era of distance education opens up a new problem space for researchers to redefine educational needs. The COVID-19 lockdown with its tremendous consequences has affected the way of thinking and acting and has highlighted the merits of distance education. One of the most important of these problems is the inability of the lecturer technically to manage and present remote lectures, which resulted in the student's dissatisfaction with distance education. In this research, we have studied how to facilitate the work of the lecturer, who suffers from many problems, including the technical issues that need technical competencies in the field of information technology and modern technologies used in distance education, including the simulation system and displaying the system via the Internet, studying how to help the student also, in receiving distance education techniques and dealing with the programs used by the lecturer in skillfully presenting educational curricula. For that, the research focused on studying how to use a team to facilitate this work called the E-Learning Facilitator Team. This team plays a vital role in developing and maintaining an online program that is effective, and smooth, and that will support the realization of the planned learning outcomes. Faculty delivering courses online must be more than transmitters of knowledge; they must become facilitators of learning. Some highly seasoned instructors from the traditional on-ground environment will quickly adapt to the online model, while others may find the transition challenging at first 

Abdulhakim M. TREKI, Tarek A. Khalifa, Naser and Ali Alfed (Gharyan University)

Estimation of transmission coefficient of a propagating electromagnetic waves through a plasma slab Using MW- MOMENT method


        Hawa Ayad Hawa.Ayad@bsu.edu.ly


 the method of moments (MoM), also known as the moment method and method of weighted residuals, is a numerical method in computational electromagnetics using on the solution of radiation and scattering problems involving conducting, dielectric, and composite objects. This study  is centered on air effects on the electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation for a hypersonic vehicle passing through inhomogeneous medium (plasma slab) where it is measured the transmission coefficient of the plasma sheath by using the moment  (MOM) method.

Marai M. Abousetta m.abousetta@academy.edu.ly

Hawa Ayad Hawa.Ayad@bsu.edu.ly

Evaluation the Antimicrobial Activity of Methanolic and Aqueous Extracts of the Aerial Parts of Chrozophora oblongifolia Against some Microbes

The genus Chrozophora is a large genus belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae with adifference, Species that possess different biological activities such as C. oblongifolia that possess antioxidant and antimicrobial activity.  Due to the lack of research related to studying the microbial effect of C.oblongifoliae   this research aims to evaluation the inhibitory of Methanolic and aqueous extracts of the aerial parts of C. oblongifolia against some microbes. The aqueous and alcoholic extracts  were prepared in the laboratory of the  Pharmacy College  University of Aden . The results of this study both  alcoholic and aqueous extracts had significant effects at all microgronisms tested indicating by increasing of inhibition diameter zone compare to control. However the ethanolic extract showed higher effects comparing to the aqueous extracts. This effects of plant extracts due to available of many active ingredients in chrozophora plants.

Adeel Abdulkarim Altuhaish (Biology Department, Faculty of Science, University of Aden, Yemen) Adeeltuh@gmail.com

Marwa Waleed 2, Nagla Abdullah2 (Biology Department, Faculty of Science, University of Aden, Yemen)

Formation of slt II:: Tnpho A gene fusion



The structural genes for Shiga-like toxin (slt A and slt B) in Escherichia coli appear to be transcribed as an operon from a promoter upstream of slt A. The slt Gene was the target gene wants to study or manipulated using a transposable element that carries the phoA gene, which encodes alkaline phosphatase enzyme, this enzyme can be used as a reporter for slt-II gene expression and protein localization. In this study we used gene fusion techniques, to form a slt-II ::TnphoA fusion, attempting  to make a gene fusion between the promoter and proximal portion of s1t A gene with the gene for bacterial alkaline 2 phosphatase to assess the regulation of Shiga-like toxin expression, and gene expression, protein localization, and functional characterization of slt-II genes. A gene fusion between the slt-ll operon and the transposon vector TnphoA, such that expression of the phoA gene was brought under the control of the slt-II promoter, was then developed. The presence and site of insertion of TnphoA within the  operon was confirmed by restriction analysis. Use of the resulting single copy fusion derivative and a plasmid encoded a slt-II::TnphoA fusion demonstrated significant differences in the synthesis, secretion and localisation abilities of  slt-II  during growth.  These characteristics could have important implications on the relative abilities of the toxins to cause disease in vivo. This specific type of fusion involves combining the slt gene with the TnphoA transposon, which includes the phoA gene.  We used the construction derivative of transposon TnS that permits the generation of hybrid proteins composed of alkaline phosphatase lacking its signal peptide fused to amino-terminal sequences of other proteins. Such a hybrid gives alkaline phosphatase activity if the protein fused to alkaline phosphatase contributes sequences that promote export and thus compensate for the missing alkaline phosphatase signal peptide. We explained of how such a gene fusion can be formed. Plasmid NTP707 contains a 4.7 Kb EcoRI fragment encoding the entire slt-II operon, inserted into the chloramphenicol resistance (Cmr) gene of plasmid pACYC184. The recombinant plasmid NTP707 (Willshaw et al„ 1987) was electroporated into E. coli CC118 and transformants selected on LB+Tc plates.  TnphoA was introduced by transduction of a log phase culture of CC118 (pNTP707) with lambda TnphoA (Gutierrez et al., 1987). Growth of transformants on LB+Tc+Kn (300)+XP plates selected for transposition of TnphoA onto the high copy number plasmid vector. CC118 was retransformed with plasmid preparations of the transformants and blue colonies on LB+Tc+Kn (50)+XP plates isolated. These contained in-frame fusions of TnphoA to secreted gene products on plasmid NTP707.  Plasmid DNA was prepared from transformants displaying Tc resistance (Tcr), restricted with SmaI-PstI and electrophoresed on an agarose gel. Restriction with Smal-Pstl produced the expected 8 and 0.85 Kb fragments (figure 6), confirming the presence of pNTP707 within E. coli CC118. Both the plasmid containing the slt-II gene and the TnphoA transposon vector are digested with restriction enzymes to create compatible ends for ligation. To more finely define the site of insertion of TnphoA within this fusion plasmid, this plasmid was restriction mapped using single and multiple restriction endonucleases. The enzymes used were EcoRI, EcoRV, Pstl, Smal. It became evident almost immediately from the pattern of EcoRI digested plasmid DNA (figure 6), that the location of the fusion joint was not randomly distributed over the whole slt-II operon. In the formation of a slt::TnphoA gene fusion (figure 13), both the A and B subunits are synthesised with amino terminal signal sequences.  TnphoA can therefore fuse into either subunit gene and be exported into the periplasm to give enzyme activity. As both genes are transcribed from a single promoter upstream of the A subunit gene in slt-II both possible gene fusions allow monitoring of slt-II gene expression to be undertaken. 

Dr. Ali Ownis and Pro. C. Dow, (biological dep., school of life sciences, Warwick university, UK)

Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles from Extract of Origanum majorana L

The facile synthesis of ultra stable gold nanoparticles (GNPSs) is demonstrated using extrat of origanum majorana L. The best parameters for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles were PH and concentration, the absorption increases with increasing PH from 4.3 to 6 and from PH=7 to 9.5 the absorption decreases. The PH of the reaction medium gives AUNPs nanoparticles of different shapes . At low concentration of extract give different nanostructure while at higher concentration the nanoparticles are capped with the extract constituents and only spherical particles exist. The results were verified using UV-VIS spectroscopy, XRD, TEM, FTIR spectra, , the TEM images showed that a mixure of shapes ( triangle, spherical and hexagonal). 

Fatema. H. almajdou


 Abstract :

The primary motivation of the paper is to define a new class which consists of univalent functions and study some properties of certain subclass of analytic functions  which defined by generalized derivative operator on the open unit disc .  

Samah Khairi Ajaib1 , Aisha Ahmed Amer2 and Hanan Mohamed Almarwm 3 (1,2,3 Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science -Al-Khoms, El-Mergib University)



Leishmaniasis comprises a crucial complex of protozoa vector-borne diseases affecting both humans and animals. It can be caused by various species of Leishmania. While a few of these organisms primarily thrive in humans, the majority circulate predominantly in animals, with most being zoonotic. Transmission of Leishmaniasis occurs through sandflies, making prevention challenging. Additionally, some drugs used for treatment pose significant side effects or have limited availability outside endemic regions. Cutaneous leishmaniasis manifests as ulcers, macules, papules, or nodules on the skin caused by Leishmania.. The recent increase in cutaneous leishmaniasis infections is attributed to apparent lethargy, exacerbated by the instability and chaos in the country. This upward trend is a perilous indicator, underscoring the urgency of conducting extensive studies on this endemic disease. The aim of the present study is identify infection rates among males and females of various age groups in the study area and ascertain the extent of the disease's prevalence in the Libyan West and determine its annual increase in the study areas. Material and methods for the cases were distributed across 12 regions during three time periods (2020, 2021, & 2022). Sample data were collected from individuals at the National Center for Communicable Diseases Control in Tripoli, the results shown that the number of cases for Cutaneous Leishmaniasis was 497. These cases were classified into males and females, with 310 cases recorded for males and 187 for females, according to data it were 62.37% for

 males and 37.63% for females. In conclusion the age group 41-50 exhibited the highest rate of infection, it can be concluded that several key features require consideration. Lastly, but importantly, there is a need to raise awareness among the population about the severity of this disease and disseminate health advice to prevent infection with this epidemic.

Keywords: Cutaneous Leishmaniasis; transmission; infections; protozoa parasites.

Mustafa Rahouma1,Omaro A. Aburas2, Asma Indbha3,Aisha Maidon4, Emni Hussin5 (Higher Institute of Science and Medical Technology ,Tripoli/Abusalim)

Emhamed Boras (6Libyan Academy of postgraduate Studies, Life Science Department, Tripoli/ Janzor)

Real-Time Stroke Detection in MRI Imaging Using YOLOv8x


  This study explores the potential of advanced deep learning techniques, specifically the YOLOv8 architecture, for enhancing stroke detection within MRI imaging. Utilizing the well-established ISLES dataset, we aimed to improve detection accuracy through rigorous preprocessing and data augmentation techniques. By implementing the YOLOv8x model variant, known for its high precision, we conducted a series of experiments to assess the impact of data augmentation on model performance. The experiments were structured around training the model for 60 epochs under different conditions, including original and augmented datasets. The performance was evaluated based on the mean Average Precision (mAP), with the augmented dataset experiment yielding the highest mAP of 96.21%. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of combining advanced YOLO architectures with extensive data augmentation in improving the accuracy and reliability of stroke detection in MRI images. The study underscores the significant potential of integrating AI-driven methods into diagnostic workflows, contributing to early and accurate stroke diagnosis.

Keywords: Stroke Detection, YOLOv8x, Deep Learning, Computer-Aided Diagnosis.

Basma Emhamed Ali Dihuom (University of Jafara , Libya) asmadihom@gmail.com

Zahrah Mohammed Bileid Jabeer (Higher Institute of Industrial Technology / Alnigela)

The Role of Virtual Reality Technique on Children with Cerebrl Palsy: A Review article


Abstract: This review article aimed to identify the effectiveness of Virtual Reality Technique on children affected by Cerebral Palsy. Methods: electronic database were searched for experimental trials of Virtual Reality on children with cerebral palsy. Results:

The study revealed that applied V.R intervention come with many advantages specially on improving upper extremity function, walking and balance ability and used this intervention increased recently due to development in technology and easy accessible and less expensive for children to participate.

 Keywords: Virtual Reality-Cerebral Palsy. Video games, Rehabilitation


Lutfia Ali Ellsahli (Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medical Technology, Misrata. Libya) lutfiaellsahli@gmail.com

STUDIES ON THE FLORA OF YEMEN:  Flora of Yabraq valleyand villages of Al-Mihwery, , Alwadeea District , Abyan Governorate-Yemen

The present study deals with the flora of Wadi Yabraq and Al-Mahory villages in Al-wadie District, Abyan Governorate, the study was conducted during the period from August 2020 to December 2022, a number of field works were completed. About 295 taxa including species and sub-species, belonging to 175 genera and 59 families have been recorded. Among them two species belonging to Pteridophytes, The dicots are represented by 257species, these represent 87% of the total plant species of the study area, while the monocots are represented by 36 species represented 12%.

The most dominant families in the term of species richness were Asteraceae (28 species ; 14  genera) followed by Poaceae (23 species ; 19 genera), Apocynaceae ( 19 species ; 10 genera). The floristic analysis revealed the most abundant plant in the study area are Herbs This study also recorded new species as additions to the flora Abyan Governorate and recorded new specie as additions to the flora yemen Cleome glaucescens.

Keywords: flora, Yabraq Valley, Abyan Governorate. 

Madleen Abdullah Obel (Biology Dept. Faculty of Education- Abyan University) madleenabdolla@gmail.com

1, Fuad Abdulla Al-Hood 2, Mohammed Abdullah Hussein 3 Abdul-Nasser Al-Gifri 4 (Biology Dept. Faculty of Education, Aden University)

Study the effect of turning parameters on surface characteristics of the die tool steel (D3) by using Taguchi method

In this paper, the parameter design of the Taguchi method applied to set the optimal parameters for the effects on surface roughness of the finish hard turning of tool steel (AISI D3) experimentally and analytically were investigated.

The optimization of the CNC turning operation of given parameters that lead to fine surface for the parts that made of D3 using carbide cutting tool (coated insert cemented carbide) which have high resistance of deflection, wear was carried out.

To obtain the optimal surface finish conjunction, the Taguchi method used for optimization of the turning experiments based on a full factorial design, to determine three different parameters and levels by using orthogonal arrays, 9 experiments were obtained. Choice of three parameters (feed rate, cutting speed and depth of cut) were important, the cutting parameters were selected as follow: Feed rate (0.075, 0.100, 0.125mm), cutting speed (170, 180, 200 m/min), depth of cut (0.5, 0.75, 1.0 mm) these parameters were chosen according to SANDVIC tool manufacturing company. The series of turning experiments was performed to measure the surface roughness.

KeywordsTaguchi method, Tool steel (AISI D3), CNC turning. Carbide cutting tool, SANDVIC.

Mohamed. R. Budar Mohamed. Etuohami. Swei Abdel hafid. B. Kridan Farhat Giuma Ali Giuma (College of Engineering Technology-Janzour)

Study the effects of the microstructure and microhardness on the external joint welding of stainless steel 316 pipe in sea water

Austenitic stainless steels are very popular due to their high strength properties, ductility, excellent corrosion resistance and work hardening. This paper presents the test results for joining AISI 316 austenitic steel. The technologies used for joining were the most popular welding techniques such as TIG (welding with a non-consumable electrode in the shield of inert gases),

The objectives of this research is to study the effect of welding parameters on the microstructural features and the micro hardness austenitic stainless steel 316 pipes.

The welding process of Tungsten inert gas welding (TIG) process with stainless steel filler metalon austenitic stainless steel 316 pipes with outside diameter of 60mm and inside diameter of 55mm and 400mm length was carried using three different welding current of 130A,150A and 180A welding volte of 20V, welding speed and heat input. The welded pipe was left in offshore topside environment for six months.  Microstructural examinations in the face, center and root areas of the weld revealed different contents of delta ferrite with skeletal or lathy ferrite morphology. Additionally, the presence of columnar grains at the fusion line and equiaxed grains in the center of the welds was found.

The hardness value of the welded seam in these joints ranges from 101 to 123 HB.

Keywords: AISI 316, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, microstructure.

Mohamed. R. Budar Mohamed. Etuohami. Swei Sami. Abdullah. Almashat Fathi. Rabie. Ashou (College of Engineering Technology-Janzour)

Teaching Aid of Electric Field On Parallel Plate Capacitor Using Matlab

 This article focuses on the development of an interactive teaching aid designed to enhance student understanding of electric field (E) concepts in parallel plate capacitors. The teaching aid harnesses the computational capabilities of Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) to simulate and visualize the electric field distribution between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor. By providing students with an engaging and visually appealing tool, the teaching aid aims to facilitate their learning process and deepen their understanding of electric field phenomena. The paper outlines the theoretical foundations of electric field analysis in parallel plate capacitors and presents the implementation details of the teaching aid using MATLAB. Additionally, the effectiveness of the teaching aid is evaluated through a pilot study involving a group of engineering students. The findings reveal that the teaching aid significantly improves students' understanding of electric field concepts and fosters greater engagement in the learning process. Finally, the paper concludes with a discussion on the potential applications of the teaching aid and proposes avenues for future enhancements


Electric field , parallel plate capacitors, MATLAB , learning process enhancement

Abdulatif A. Shabanl (Physics Department, Faculty of, Education Janzour ,Tripoli University ,Libya)

Exploring Newly Discovered Dinosaur Trackways in the Messak Formation, Sebha Region, Southwest Libya

New footprints of Theropod dinosaurs were discovered for the first time in 2006 near Sebha city in southwestern Libya. It’s the only known dinosaur record from the Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous from the Mesak Formation in the Fezzan region of the southern part Libya.

Intensive field trips have been carried out on the Sebha dinosaur footprints in order to study these footprints in situ and taking their measurements such as their lengths, spacing, and directions, and comparing them to other similar footprints in available literature.

The dinosaur footprints have been examined, counted, measured, photographed and described in order to deduce the type of dinosaur, its size, shape, way of walking, type of potential food and if possible its social relations with others individuals.

183 clear dinosaur footprints were found and registered. At least two main sizes of footprints are defined and characterized and divided in two categories, namely large footprints and small ones. The size difference pointed to the existence of two animals, small and big Individuals. They may be a male or female animals.

The examined footprints/tracks made by an upright dinosaur stood and walked on its lower two feet on a wet and humid layer, which is composed of clay, silt and fine sand.

These footprints are suggesting that they may be attributed to the Theropod group of dinosaurs with a saber-toothed hip. The size of these footprints varies from 20 to 50 cm. The most frequent type is characterized by an angle of 50 to 70 degrees between the outermost digits.

The foot size suggests that the trace makers' height up to the pelvis ranged from 0.8 to 2 meters, while the overall length of the creature reached 8 meters from head to tail.

 By close look at the footprints, they have almost an equal distance between each footprint and the next one, which indicates that the animals were moving with coordinated normal steps and walking in their normal gait. They weren’t in a state of chase or escape from any potential dangers.

Based on the current stand of knowledge, we believe there are two possible interpretations for the good preservation of these footprints. Physical and chemical processes such as consolidation, cementation and forming a crust iron oxides played the most crucial role in preservation of the dinosaur footprints within fragile sediments consisting mainly of silt and mudstone beds covered by the thin layers of sandstone.


 Keywords: - Fezzan, Murzuq Basin, Mesak Formation, Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous and dinosaur footprints.

Mustafa A. Abdullah (University of Sebha/Libya)

Alsharef A. Albaghdady (Libyan Academy-Tripoli)

and Alsedik Abousif (University of Sebha/Libya)

Necessary conditions for the generalized derivative operator in classes of univalent functions

   The main aim of our investigation is to obtain necessary conditions for the generalized derivative operator to belong to the classes and. In addition, we obtain the distortion theorems for the classes and of our main results.


Aisha Ahmed Amer (Mathmatics Department, Faculty of Science -Al-Khomus, Al-Margib University)

Maslina Darus (Mathematics Department, Faculty of Education of Benghazi, University of Benghazi)

Nagat Muftah Alabbar (Mathmatics Department, Faculty of Education of Benghazi, University of Benghazi)

Analysis of the Euphrates Earth Dam's Slope Stability (A Case Study)

This study provides a entire slope stability analysis of the Euphrates Earth Dam, a key infrastructure task that serves as a number one source of water supply and flood control. The take a look at's goal is to study the dam's current balance, pick out likely failure modes, and suggest appropriate mitigating moves to improve long-term safety.

A thorough site research, including geological, geotechnical, seismic, and climatic critiques, became performed to determine the dam's foundation and embankment materials, groundwater situations, and seismic risks. Advanced numerical modelling approaches, which includes the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Finite Difference Method (FDM), had been used to evaluate the aspect of safety towards quite a few failure modes, inclusive of planar, wedge, and rotating. Parametric studies had been completed to analyze the effect of soil traits, pore water pressure, and seismic pressure on slope stability.

The slope stability research recognized fundamental slip surfaces and capability failure mechanisms for upstream and downstream slopes beneath static and seismic strain conditions. The factors of safety were located to be quite better than the stipulated minimum values for static loading however lots lower for seismic loading scenarios. Sensitivity and probabilistic evaluations have been undertaken to decide the impact of uncertainties and variability within the enter parameters.

Based on the findings, mitigation techniques and layout hints have been evolved, together with slope   reinforcement, knocking down, drainage structures, slope protection measures, seismic layout concerns, and monitoring and instrumentation programs.

Implementing these moves is crucial for increasing the lengthy-term balance and protection of the Euphrates Earth Dam, proscribing the probability of catastrophic screw ups, and making sure the persevering with operation of this vital infrastructure.

Keywords: Slope stability, earth dam, numerical modeling, finite element method, seismic loading, mitigation measures.

Amer Al Aouth1, Faeza R Elnaji2* (Department of civil engineering Derna university, Alguba- Libya)

Analysis and Calculation Of Refrigeration Capacity Of GTU intake Air Cooling Systems For Climatic Conditions with Saving Fuel Cost For Libyan Hon City   

The paper is devoted to increasing the fuel efficiency of gas turbine unites (GTU) of a simple cycle by using the heat of exhaust gases in the thermo transformers to cool the  intake  air . The type and rational  parameters  of  thermo transformers  according  to climatic conditions are determined. A fuel saving due to cooling of the air at the inlet of GTU in libya . Absorption lithium-bromide chiller (ABC) and refrigerant ejector chiller (REC) providing the GT intake air temperature decrease down to 15°С and 10°С respectively are discussed. The Calculate of refrigeration capacity of waste heat recovery chillers to provide the maximum it was shown that gas turbine intake air cooling down to the temperatures of 10°С and 7°С by absorption aqua-ammonia and refrigerant ejector chillers provides annular fuel saving and the cost fuel saving (1.5 - 2.0) times larger as compared with absorption lithium-bromide chiller providing a gas turbine intake air temperature decrease down to 15°С. The higher efficiency of gas turbine intake air deep cooling down to the temperatures of 10°С and 7°С by absorption aqua-ammonia and refrigerant ejector chillers has been proved as a result The annular fuel saving due to air cooling at the inlet of gas turbine generators by thermo transformers of different types has been evaluated for city (Hon) of Libya.   

Key words: gas turbine generator, fuel saving, absorption lithium-bromide chiller, refrigerant ejector chiller, absorption aqua-ammonia chiller, intake air cooling, exhaust gas waste heat recovery, climatic conditions, using the corresponding power sales as weights.

Raмi Kamel El Gerbi , Ali Мohmmed Ali Etohami , Abdurraouf Fadel , Farhat Giuma Ali Giuma (College of Engineering Technology, Janzor Libya)

Assessment and Performance Comparison between Patch and Rectangular Resonators through Suitable Computational Method

 This study explores the analysis of lossy microwave structures, focusing particularly on cavity and microstrip resonators, in terms of characteristic impedance, Q factor, and the Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) method. Microwave structures are pivotal in various applications, from consumer electronics to communication systems, due to their ability to manipulate microwave frequency signals. The research delves into the computation of conductor and dielectric losses, which are essential for understanding microwave circuit performance. Utilizing the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) and TLM methods, the study compares the Q factor and visualizes the electric field distribution (Ez field) in both microstrip and cavity resonators. This comparison highlights the distinct energy storage and reflection characteristics inherent to each resonator type. Through simulation work and analysis, the paper elucidates the complex interplay between the physical design parameters and the operational efficacy of these resonators, thereby offering insights into optimizing microwave systems for enhanced performance.


Marai Abusetta , Abdussalam Masaud Ammar (Libyan Academy for Graduate Studies)

Implementing Digital Medical Prescriptions in Libya: A Strategy to Minimize Medical Errors in Hospitals and Pharmacies

The Libyan healthcare system faces significant challenges in medication management, with high rates of medication errors posing serious risks to patient safety. Digital transformation, particularly through the adoption of electronic medical prescriptions, offers a promising solution to enhance prescription accuracy, improve patient outcomes, and streamline healthcare processes. This technical paper examines the implementation of digital medical prescriptions in Libya, focusing on the role of health informatics, the validation of prescriptions, and the potential barriers to success. The paper also highlights efforts in Arab and African countries similar to Libya, showcasing best practices and lessons learned.

Keywords: Digital prescriptions, Libya healthcare system, Medication errors, Patient safety, Digital transformation, Prescription practices, Prescription accuracy, Handwritten prescriptions, Prescription software, electronic health record systems (EHRS).

Dr.Musa Kh A Faneer (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies) musa.faneer@academy.edu.ly

Dr.Ali Alejenef (Nursing Department ,Open University of Libya) ali.alejenef@ou.edu.ly

Libyan families satisfaction with their traditional and modern houses

Shelter is a basic necessity of life for all human beings. Beyond meeting this need shelter should also meet the requirements of their way of life and socio-cultural values; requirements such as privacy, security, recognition of religious considerations and the desire for prestige and status. Traditional forms of shelter are able to meet these requirements but the ability of more modern forms to do so is questionable. This can be attributed designer's incomplete or scarce knowledge about shelter design, both regarding the desires of the residents using  the shelter and the factors that determine their satisfaction with their housing environment.


The result g\ of rapid urbanization, a common characteristic of most developing countries, is the tendency to apply western technology and building methods without considering the socio-cultural values and needs of the society. It is more desirable to be selective, to choose what is appropriate rather than apply the imported technology wholesale. In the Libya, development has changed the physical and social contexts of the country. The housing sector in particular has expanded tremendously as a result of the oil economy, while the social life remains largely unaltered. People accept modern architecture, but also wish to preserve their indigenous socio-cultural values and identity. Moreover, contemporary housing differs greatly from traditional architecture with respect to scale, space organization, layout, land use, architectural style and house type. Indeed, contemporary architecture seems to reflect Western social values and norms and in Libya has failed to accommodate man's interaction with his environment, particularly in the context of use space

Abubaker Mohamed Shawesh (Faculty of engineering Architecture and Urban Planning Dept. University of Tripoli Libya)

Audio Generation Using AudioML Approach on Arabic Databases

This paper presents a comprehensive study on the application of AudioML, a state-of-the-art language modelling technique, for Arabic audio generation. Focusing on two key Arabic speech datasets, the MGB-2 Arabic Speech Database and the Arabic Speech Corpus, we evaluate the performance of AudioML in synthesizing coherent, natural, and high-quality Arabic speech. Our results demonstrate that AudioML achieves a Word Error Rate (WER) of 15.80%, Character Error Rate (CER) of 6.45%, and Sentence Error Rate (SER) of 25.10% on the MGB-2 database, with slightly higher values on the Arabic Speech Corpus, including a WER of 18.20%, CER of 8.10%, and SER of 30.40%. These findings highlight AudioML’s effectiveness in handling the complexities of Arabic speech, confirming its suitability for a wide range of Arabic speech synthesis applications. Our study positions AudioML as a versatile and powerful tool for advancing Arabic speech technology.

Keywords: AudioML; Arabic Speech Synthesis; Arabic Speech Corpus (ASC); MGB-2 Database; Audio Generation; Language Modelling

Abeer Ali Aoun (Libya Oil Company)

Karim Dabbabi (2Research Unite of Analyse and Processing of Electrical and Energetic Systems, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Tunis El-Manar University)